Beautiful Prayers

Hello! This weblog is a site for collecting prayers I've come across in this life that I would like to share, from my soul to yours.

Please check out the archive on the right to see the list of prayers shared.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Prayer of Surrender

Jesus, on my knees I surrender these wondrous days of Lent to you.
I give every hour, every minute, every breath, that I may become more and more like you.
Take every day, Lord - they are yours.
Teach me to listen as you listen.
Teach me to see as you see.
Teach me to speak as you speak.
Teach me to know as you know.
And above all, Lord God, teach me to love as you love.

Hold me. Break me. Crush all my selfishness. Destroy all my hate. Dispel all the evil in my mind and heart.

In turn, Lord, pour into me your own life, your own love, that I may posses abundant life and joy.

And after these forty days, which I again offer to you now Jesus, raise me up to new life in every way, so that with the angels and Saints, and especially with Our Lady, I may be taken captive by the love of God the Father, and magnify that love with all my might by your grace in the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, I surrender. Everything. Take it all.
Take me. I am yours.

(taken from