Beautiful Prayers

Hello! This weblog is a site for collecting prayers I've come across in this life that I would like to share, from my soul to yours.

Please check out the archive on the right to see the list of prayers shared.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Prayer for Freedom

Father, through your son Jesus Christ you taught us not to be fearful of tomorrow but to commit our lives into your hands. Send the Spirit to light our path in these troubled days. And Lord, send us also the gift of the Spirit to fill this place, myself and the world.

Touch me with truth that burns like fire, with beauty that moves me like the wind and set me free Lord to try new ways of living, free to forgive myself and others, free to love, laugh and sing, free to lay aside my burden of security, free to join the battle for justice and peace, free to see and listen and wonder again at the gracious mystery of things and persons, free to be, to give, to receive as a child of your spirit.

And Lord, teach me how to dance, how to turn around and come down where I want to be---in the arms and heart of your people and in you, that I may praise and enjoy you forever. Amen.