Beautiful Prayers

Hello! This weblog is a site for collecting prayers I've come across in this life that I would like to share, from my soul to yours.

Please check out the archive on the right to see the list of prayers shared.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Prayer for the Dead

God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
And by Your command we return to dust.

Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
Their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
Relatives and friends,
And for all the dead known to You alone.

In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
May they rejoice in Your kingdom,
Where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
To sing Your praise forever and ever.


Prayer taken from

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Prayer to Sustain Faith and Belief in God’s Message for the World

Dearest Jesus, when I am down, lift me up.
When I doubt, enlighten me.
When I am in sorrow, show me Your Love.
When I criticise, help me to remain silent.
When I judge another in public, seal my lips.
When I utter blasphemies, in Your Name, redeem me and bring me back into Your protection.
When I lack courage, give me the sword I need to do battle and save the souls You desire.
When I resist Your Love help me to surrender and abandon myself, completely, within Your Loving care.
When I wander away, help me to find the Path of Truth.
When I question Your Word, give me the answers I seek.
Help me to be patient, loving and kind, even to those who curse You.
Help me to forgive those who offend me and give me the grace I need to follow You to the ends of the earth. Amen.

Prayer taken from

Monday, March 11, 2013

Litany of the Saints

Let us pray the Litany of the Saints for the whole duration of the conclave. It is just a little over 8 minutes.

In English (a little over 7 minutes):

Just the saints part with beautiful icons:

Prayer for the Conclave

Come, Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful,
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.

Lord, you are our eternal shepherd and guide.
In your mercy grant your Church
a shepherd who will walk in your ways
and whose watchful care will bring us your blessing.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from

Friday, March 1, 2013

Novena for the election of the Sovereign Pontiff – March 2013

Veni Creator Spiritus

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come. From thy bright heavenly throne! Come, take possession of our souls. And make them all Thine Own!
Thou who art called the Paraclete, Best gift of God above, The Living Spring, The Living Fire, Sweet Unction, and True Love!
Thou who are sevenfold in Thy grace, Finger of God’s right hand,
His Promise, teaching little ones
To speak and understand!
O guide our minds with thy blest light, With love our hearts inflame, And with thy strength, which ne’er decays, Confirm our mortal frame.
Far from us drive our hellish foe, True peace unto us bring, And through all perils guide us safe Beneath thy sacred wing.
Through Thee may we the Father know, Through Thee the Eternal Son, And Thee the Spirit of them both Thrice blessed Three in One.
Now to the Father, and the Son Who rose from death, be glory given, With Thee, O holy Comforter, Henceforth by all in earth and heaven. Amen.

V/ Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created:
R/ And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

The collect of the Missal for the election of a Pope

O Lord, with suppliant humility, we entreat Thee, that in Thy boundless mercy Thou wouldst grant the most holy Roman Church a pontiff, who by his zeal for us, may be pleasing to Thee, and by his good government may ever be honoured by Thy people for the glory of Thy name. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

V/ Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
R/ pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
V/ Saint Pie V.
R/ pray for us.
V/ Saint Pie X.
R/ pray for us.

You can download the novena in pdf (latin and english) here.

The whole post was sourced from: