Beautiful Prayers

Hello! This weblog is a site for collecting prayers I've come across in this life that I would like to share, from my soul to yours.

Please check out the archive on the right to see the list of prayers shared.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Regina Coeli

Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia. 
For He whom you did merit to bear, Alleluia.

Has risen, as he said, Alleluia.
Pray for us to God, Alleluia.

Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia.
For the Lord has truly risen, Alleluia.

Let us pray. O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant we beseech Thee, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

(prayed in place of The Angelus during the Easter season)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Fifteen Promises Of Our Lady to those who pray the Rosary

Those that faithfully serve me through praying the Holy Rosary will receive special graces.
  1. I promise special protection and the most remarkable thanks, to all those that pray the Holy Rosary.
  2. The Rosary will be the most powerful defense against the forces of the evil spirit. Vice will be destroyed; sin will be diminished; and all heresy will be defeated.
  3. Through the prayer of the Holy Rosary, the virtues will blossom, and the good acts. The souls will obtain plenty of mercies. The hearts will keep apart from the wordly affairs and its vanities; and souls will be elevated to wish the eternal goods. Let´s hope that the souls will make the purpose of becoming closer to God through this way.
  4. The soul that recommends to me through the prayer of the Holy Rosary, will never perish.
  5. The soul that prays the Rosary with devotion trying hard to meditate the Holy Mysteries, will not be defeated by bad fortune. In His Holy judgement, God will not punish him. He will not suffer unexpected death. And if he is just, he will remain in the grace of God; and he will be worthy of eternal life.
  6. The soul that keeps a true Devotion to the Rosary, won´t die without the Sacraments of the Church.
  7. Those who pray the Holy Rosary faithfully, will have in life and death, the Light of God; and the plenitude of His grace. At the time of death, they will participate of the merits of the Holy in Paradise.
  8. I will relieve from Purgatory all those who have had the habit of praying the Holy Rosary.
  9. All those who remain as faithful sons of the Holy Rosary, will deserve a high grade of glory in Heaven.
  10. You will obtain all you ask me through the praying of the Holy Rosary.
  11. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary will receive my help in their needs.
  12. For all the devotees of the Holy Rosary, I have obtained from my Holy Son, the intercession of all the celestial Court, through their lives and at the time of death.
  13. All those who pray the Rosary are my children,and brothers of my unique son, Jesus Christ.
  14. The devotion to the Holy Rosary is a sign of predestination.
(Promises transmitted to Saint Dominic and to Blessed Alan)
Imprimatur Patrick J. Hayes D.D. Archbishop of New York

Scriptural Rosary

The Scriptural Rosary is a beautiful way of praying the Rosary wherein a Bible verse is read before each Hail Mary. It is very helpful for those who really want to meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary.

A version of the Scriptural Rosary (both text and audio) may be found here:

The Scriptural Rosary may also be prayed using specific scriptural themes. Scriptural passages that may be used are found at the Holy Spirit Interactive Website. Currently available themes are:
My Identity in ChristLoveSinForgivenessObediencePetitioningAnger, and Who are you?
According to the website, more themes will be added as they are completed.

For a deeper understanding of the Rosary, read Pope John Paul II's apostolic letter entitled Rosarium Virginis Mariae.